The Yellow-eyed
Penguin Trust

News & Events

We’ll be going cheque-free soon.

In recent years there has been a steady decline in the use of cheques throughout New Zealand with many government organisations and larger banks having already announced their plans to stop issuing and receiving cheques.

25 June 2021 is the last day major banks will accept cheques. Some smaller banks have already gone cheque-free. If you wish to make any last donations by cheque, we kindly ask you to do so by the end of May 2021.

As the Trust still receives donations by cheque, we want to make sure you have the right information for continuing to support us, but in a more direct way.

Here are some simple ways to do this:

  • One-off donations directly to our Bank Account
  • Donate via the website (you will need a credit card)
  • Donate regularly through Direct Debits (these can be set up weekly, monthly, or annually)
  • Join our ‘Coffee Club’ or ‘Donate-a-Tree’ scheme and give regularly through an automatic payment


Bank account details

Bank: SBS Bank

Bank Address: Dunedin Branch, George Street, Dunedin

Account Name: Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust

Account Number: 031355 0549558 00

For overseas donations, use the Swift Code: WPACNZ2W

And remember, all donations over $5 are tax deductible!

Thank you for your ongoing support.



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