The Yellow-eyed
Penguin Trust

News & Events


Making Sense of the Living World

The Living World strand is about living things and how they interact with each other and the environment. Students develop an understanding of the diversity of life and life processes, of where and how life has evolved, of evolution as the link between life processes and ecology, and of the impact of humans on all forms of life. As a result, they are able to make more informed decisions about significant biological issues. The emphasis is on the biology of New Zealand, including the sustainability of New Zealand’s unique fauna and flora and distinctive ecosystems.

Here are some learning outcomes suggestions:

Achievement Objectives (level 3):

Research and describe how some species have become extinct or are endangered.

Learning Outcomes:

Research and describe how the yellow-eyed penguin has become endangered particularly looking at where they nest and what can harm them on land and at sea.

Achievement Objectives (level 4):

Investigate and describe special features of yellow-eyed penguins which help survival into the next generation.

Learning Outcomes:

Download the penguin drawing. Colour, describe and mark the adaptations in the yellow-eyed penguin that help them survive. For example how does the white front and a dark grey back on an adult and brown fluff on a chick help with camouflage?

Research all six species of penguins found in New Zealand and create a graph of their comparative sizes.

Achievement Objectives

Investigate the responses of yellow-eyed penguins to environmental changes in their habitats.

Making Sense of Planet Earth and Beyond

Achievement Objectives (level 3):

Justify personal involvement in a school or class-based environmental project.

Learning Outcomes:

Using the information gathered from investigating the threats, list solutions to protect the yellow-eyed penguin’s habitat.


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