Lone survivor
(Press release 12 December 2006) Stewart Island’s yellow-eyed penguin population faces an uncertain future after a devastating breeding season in which just one chick of 32 survived. The less than 3 percent breeding success rate is the worst since monitoring began four years ago when the Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust started its five year research programme…
Mainland helps Our Sea Friends promotion
In October, Mainland launched the “Help Our Sea Friends” promotion featuring the Trust’s new patron, Anton Oliver. The promotion, which ran for eight weeks, included on-pack stickers, in store displays, and a weekly segment on TV2’s Saturday morning kids show, Squirt TV – ensuring high visibility for the campaign and the Trust. To enter, consumers…
September 2006 – Thank you all for your continued patience as negotiations continue to secure this important habitat for penguins and other coastal species. Further visits to the area and meetings have been held and we hope to bring you updates in the very near future. Our own patience is continually inspired as we are…
Anton Oliver new patron of Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust
Our long time friend and patron Beverley, Lady Reeves, decided it was time to hand over her role as patron of the trust, which she had held since 1988, as “age was creeping up” – not that you could tell. And, since it was made public in the Otago Daily Times, the 72-year old wife…
Disease kills penguin chicks
The number of yellow-eyed penguin chicks fledged in Otago this year was the lowest recorded for many years, primarily due to an outbreak of a Corynebacterium infection. The disease was first noticed on the Otago Peninsula in early November and for a short time it appeared that the disease was confined to that location, prompting…
GPS data loggers
Despite many studies on yellow-eyed penguins we know little about their habits at sea – their foraging patterns and where they are feeding and travelling. Interpretation of the species’ population dynamics, and consequently conservation measures, are primarily based on what can be observed on land. Today with the aid of modern satellite technology, studying penguin…