The Yellow-eyed
Penguin Trust

News & Events

Yellow-eyed Penguin Symposium 2024

Join us for the highly anticipated Yellow-eyed Penguin Symposium 2024, an annual event dedicated to the conservation of this remarkable species.

Event Details:

  • Date: Saturday 3 August 2024
  • Time: 9 am – 4 pm
  • Venue: University of Otago, Dunedin.


We encourage presenters to indicate how their talk aligns with one or more actions within Te Mahere Rima Tau, highlighting the community’s collective commitment to yellow-eyed penguin conservation.


To ensure your comfort and satisfaction, morning tea and lunch will be provided, as in previous years. If you have any specific dietary requirements, please indicate them on your registration form, and we will make every effort to accommodate your needs.

Registration Information:

The registration fee is $40 per person to cover the cost of catering. Please complete the registration form, including your contact details and preferred method of payment. For direct credit payments, use “Your Name – YEPT Symposium” as the reference. Kindly note that we can only confirm your registration once your registration fee has been received or alternative payment arrangements have been made, as this is essential for our catering preparations.

Please make all payments by Friday 26 July 2024 to secure your spot. After this date, we are unable to refund any registration fees in case of cancellation, as we have made commitments with the University. If you find yourself unwell, we kindly ask that you consider staying home or, if you choose to attend, wear a mask during the symposium.

Help us spread the word about this exciting event by forwarding this invitation to others in your network who may be interested in joining us. We eagerly anticipate your presence at the Yellow-eyed Penguin Symposium in August, where we will celebrate and learn about the conservation efforts surrounding this incredible species.



Enter your details below to sign up